Who Should You Choose to Write Letters of Recommendation for Your PA School Application?

Posted on January 11, 2024Comments Off on Who Should You Choose to Write Letters of Recommendation for Your PA School Application?

It’s that time in your pre-PA journey when you need to start thinking about a crucial element of your PA school application: your Letters of Recommendation (LORs). Trust us; this step is like the secret sauce that can make your application shine and set you apart from the rest of the pack. So don’t overlook this part of your application…it really is critical to your success and landing PA school interviews.

Who Should You Ask for LORs?

  1. Definitely a Physician Assistant: First on your list should be a Physician Assistant (PA). Even if the PA schools you’re eyeing doesn’t require an LOR specifically from a PA, you need to have one. PAs know the ropes, and their recommendation can speak volumes about your passion and commitment to the profession. Why? Because they are a PA. They’ve been through PA school and are practicing as a PA, so they know what kind of person it takes to fill the shoes of the future generation of the profession.
  2. Healthcare Supervisor: If you’ve been rocking a healthcare or patient care position (which you should be), think about asking your supervisor to write an LOR. It could be an RN, a clinic manager, an MD, or another healthcare professional who’s seen your dedication firsthand. Their endorsement can highlight your clinical skills and teamwork.
  3. Academic Guru: Don’t forget about your academic reference! Professors, academic advisors, or even Teaching Assistant or Research Assistant supervisors can provide valuable insights into your academic prowess and potential. They can vouch for your ability to thrive in a rigorous educational environment.
  4. Character References: Sometimes, it’s not just about what you know, but who you are. If you’ve shadowed someone extensively or have been actively involved in a volunteer organization, consider asking a character reference. They can paint a vivid picture of your dedication, values, and how you impact the community and your future patients.

The Art of Asking:

Remember these key tips:

  • Choose Wisely: Pick individuals who know you well and can genuinely speak to your character, abilities, and skills. You want your LORs to be authentic and compelling.
  • Ask the Magic Question: Before assuming someone will write you a stellar LOR, start with this question: “Can you write me a strong LOR for PA school?” If they hesitate or don’t seem enthusiastic, consider seeking someone else. A lukewarm LOR won’t do you any favors, no matter how strong the rest of your application is. And a bad LOR? Well, that will likely land you in the “no” pile no matter how great your GPA or other stats are.
  • Give Them Time: Respect their time and give them ample notice. Remember, writing a powerful LOR takes effort, so don’t spring it on them at the last minute. Give them at least two weeks so they can craft an exceptional LOR without rushing.

So, there you have it, future PAs! Start thinking about your LORs, choose your recommenders wisely, and set yourself up for PA school success. Remember, this is your time to shine, and with the right letters of recommendation, you’re well on your way to an irresistible PA school application. 🚀✨