What PA Students Wished Pre-PAs Knew

Posted on November 24, 2022Comments Off on What PA Students Wished Pre-PAs Knew

We’ve all heard the phrase: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.”

Though that’s NOT the medical definition it does make one pause…

You see, after many years in academia we kept seeing pre-PA students make the SAME MISTAKES over and over again (sometimes the same students more than once)!

We realized that many pre-professional students don’t have a mentor or guide to help them on their journey. 

Maybe their parents don’t have experience in a professional career or the only advice they were given was from someone who went through the process 30 years ago….let’s just say things have changed since then. 

When we started out on this journey the first thing we did was poll our former students. We asked what were some things they wished they had known before applying to PA school…and the response was amazing! 

These students gave us so much amazing feedback about the mistakes they made, the misguided advice they were given, and what they did wrong the first time. 

Most of the advice were things we expected: “I wished I had learned about the PA profession earlier in my studies” or “I wish I had studied more as a freshman and got better grades”…you know…all the usual stuff.

But the number one regret they kept stating over and over again surprised us…and after so many years in academia and clinical medicine that is hard to do lol.

It wasn’t just one or two students who said this, but the same theme showed up over and over again….

So what the NUMBER 1 REGRET of prior PA students??

They told us they wished they had applied to schools outside their geographical location the first go-round!

Yes, you read that right…the number one regret was the fact they didn’t apply to the right schools on their first application cycle.

This actually surprised us and I bet it did you too. 

The number one regret wasn’t about grades, or majors, or GRE studying, or patient care hours, or volunteer time or leadership roles….it was all about the individual programs!

Applying to PA school can be EXPENSIVE and time consuming…so our tip for today is: DO YOUR RESEARCH!

Do your research and don’t just decide to apply to the five schools closest to your hometown! Figure out what really matters to you and put some time and effort into researching different programs.

You’re not going to have a lot of free time in PA school and let me assure you- there are MANY MORE important factors than geographical location.

 Schools lasts ~2.5 years, then you can move wherever you want and have an amazing and fulfilling career serving your patients. 

Putting a little time and effort doing some research can save you time, money, and effort in the long run. Don’t let the enormity of this task daunt you…we know you are up to the challenge. 

And we created our PA School Directory specifically for this reason…so you can narrow down the hundreds of PA schools to a list of PA schools that value YOUR strengths and that you match with so you can get accepted as quickly as possible!