The Top 3 Mistakes in PA School Supplemental Essays

Posted on November 9, 2023Comments Off on The Top 3 Mistakes in PA School Supplemental Essays

Hey future PAs, let’s chat about something super important – those sneaky little supplemental essays for PA school applications. Now, you’ve probably heard the basics: don’t make typos, be professional, the usual drill. But let’s dive into the real talk – the top three “oopsies” that can make the difference between a fist-bump and a face-palm when the admissions committees are reading your essays.

Mistake #1: The Copy-Paste Catastrophe

Alright, we get it. You’re applying to like, what, ten schools? And each one wants a unique essay? It’s tempting to copy-paste your heart out and just change the school name. But here’s the thing – you don’t want to copy-paste & call it a day. You DO want to edit & personalize it to match the school. It’s like using the same pick-up line on everyone at the party; it’s not a good look. So, personalize, our friends. Show each program why you’re into them specifically, not just why you want to be a PA. Again, this does NOT mean you need to recreate the wheel! Yes, you can recycle essays if the question is the same, but revise it a bit to align specifically with the school.

Mistake #2: The Sob Story Slip

We all have challenges we’ve overcome, and it’s great to share them. But remember, this isn’t a script for a Lifetime movie. If you’re sharing a personal struggle, flip the script and focus on what it taught you and how it’s sculpted you into a future rockstar PA. Keep it positive and professional. The goal is to show resilience and insight, not to make your reader reach for a box of tissues.

Mistake #3: The Jargon Jumble

Using big medical words might seem like a way to show you’re savvy, but it’s really just a way to obscure your point. This isn’t a medical terminology pop quiz. Write like you’re telling your story to a friend (who maybe slept through biology). Keep it clear, keep it simple, and most importantly, keep it genuine.

So there you have it. Avoid these blunders, and you’ll be on your way to essay greatness. Keep your writing as awesome as your future white coat will look. And remember, this essay is your moment to shine – so make it count!