Staying Sane as a Pre-PA During CASPA Cycle

Posted on December 28, 2022Comments Off on Staying Sane as a Pre-PA During CASPA Cycle

Did you know I ran my first half marathon in PA school?


Up until that time I didn’t even consider myself a runner. I ran a little…mostly to avoid the freshman 15 and because it helped me relax. Whenever I got antsy or annoyed, my roommate would tell me to go take a run…. it’s hard to find the energy to get upset over something when you’re exhausted from exercise…

PA school was intense and I found myself going for longer and longer runs on the weekend to help break up the studying. One day I realized I had run for over an hour for the first time EVER!

Running gave me a mental and physical break from all the studying and stress of school. A fellow classmate (who was a real runner- she had gone to undergrad on a track scholarship) dared me to try a half marathon. I scoffed at first, but she pointed out if I was already running an hour there was nothing stopping me but fear…

So, I signed up for my first half…and finished proudly in the pouring rain!

This was the start of a long and crazy running journey that I’m still on today….

But I wish I had known how helpful running was for my mental sanity BEFORE PA school.

The pre-PA path is no joke and it’s definitely a grind to get all the prerequisites, to succeed in coursework, to get patient care hours and PA shadowing hours, and on and on…

It’s really important to have a full battery before your first day of PA school, and I wish I had placed a bit more emphasis on keeping my tank full as a pre-PA.

It’s important to take time for your health and wellbeing even (and especially) during strenuous times. So, make sure you FIND A WAY to RELAX and DE-STRESS that you enjoy!

Maybe you’re a runner too…or you like to meditate. Maybe baking calms you or pumping iron at the gym is your jam. Maybe a good time is hanging with friends or treating yourself to a nice restaurant meal…. find whatever works for you.

And start implementing it NOW as a pre-PA!

You need to take a few minutes for yourself each day and give your brain a mental break from school. Figure out ONE way you deal with stress and make sure to create some time for it.

Applying to PA school can be hectic…trying to get patient care hours, holding down a job, taking classes, studying for the GRE, and chasing down LORs can feel overwhelming.

Make sure to take a few minutes for yourself each day so you don’t burn out!

Keep up the amazing work and make sure you give yourself some grace and some well-deserved credit for all you do every single day!