Rejected and Reapplying? How to Improve your PA School Application when you have to Reapply

Posted on March 5, 2024Comments Off on Rejected and Reapplying? How to Improve your PA School Application when you have to Reapply

So, you’ve hit a little bump in the road on your journey to PA school, huh? Maybe you got those dreaded rejection letters this cycle, and now you’re gearing up to tackle the application process all over again. First things first – take a deep breath. It’s not the end of the road, not by a long shot. In fact, this setback could be just the fuel you need to come back stronger than ever. Here’s how to turn that rejection into your biggest comeback yet:

1. Reflect and Refocus: Take some time to reflect on your past application cycle. What went well? What could have been better? Did you pick the right PA schools for you and your strengths (and weaknesses)? Did you have a glaring weakness that needed to be shored up? Did your essay reflect your strongest attributes? Take (as much of) an objective look (as possible 🙂 ) of your application, then use this insight to refocus your efforts and make a game plan for the next round.

2. Revamp Your Personal Statement: Your personal statement is your chance to shine, so make it count. Take a critical look at your previous statement and identify areas for improvement. Maybe it lacked a compelling hook, or perhaps it didn’t effectively showcase your passion for the field. Maybe it didn’t back up what you claim to be your deeper reasons why you want to be a PA with actual experience. Whatever the case, use this opportunity to craft a statement that truly reflects who you are and why you’re destined to be a PA.

3. Strengthen Your CASPA Paragraphs: Your CASPA application is like your PA school resume, so you want to make sure it’s in top-notch shape. Take a close look at each section and every single paragraph – your experiences, education, and achievements – and make sure they’re all working together to paint a clear picture of your journey to becoming a PA.

4. Amp Up Your LORs: Letters of recommendation can carry a lot of weight in the application process, so make sure yours pack a punch. Reach out to your recommenders well in advance, and provide them with any relevant information they might need to write a strong letter on your behalf. Make sure your writers can write you strong letters. And hey, if you think you need a fresh perspective, don’t hesitate to seek out new recommenders who can speak to different aspects of your character and abilities.

5. Bolster Weak Categories: Maybe your shadowing hours were a little lacking, or perhaps you could have volunteered more in your community. Whatever the case, use this time to bolster any weak categories in your application. Seek out new shadowing opportunities, get involved in volunteer work that speaks to your passions, and show admissions committees that you’re committed to becoming the best PA you can be.

Now, as you embark on this journey of redemption, remember the wise words of Theodore Roosevelt: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” This quote speaks volumes to the power of belief in oneself and the determination to persevere in the face of adversity. So, hold onto that belief, channel your inner resilience, and keep pushing forward. Your dream of becoming a PA is within reach – never doubt that for a second. You CAN do this!

If you want to make sure your app is perfect and conveys your passion for becoming a PA and highlights your strengths, definitely do a CASPA Application Editing – here’s the link to learn more!