Pre-PA Guide to CASPA Experience Entries

Posted on April 18, 2024Comments Off on Pre-PA Guide to CASPA Experience Entries

We’re diving into the nitty-gritty of experience entries, making sure you’re prepped and ready to rock your PA school applications. So grab a snack, get cozy, and let’s break it all down!

What’s the Deal with CASPA Experience Entries?

Alright, let’s start with the basics. CASPA is your ticket to PA school, and experience entries are like the golden nuggets that showcase who you are and what you’ve been up to. But it’s not just about listing your gigs—it’s about painting a picture of your journey and why you’re destined to be a kickass PA.

Types of Experience Entries

So, what types of experiences can you log in CASPA? Buckle up, ’cause we’ve got a few:

  1. Healthcare Experience (HCE): This is where you’ll shout out any position you’ve worked in that is in the healthcare field AND that does not have hands on patients *clinical* skills. These are positions like scribing or if you are a CNA that only performs activities of daily living (ADLs) like toileting, bathing, and feeding – this is the spot to flex those healthcare muscles.
  2. Patient Care Experience (PCE): Ah, the heart and soul of your PA school application. PCE is all about those roles where you’re getting up close and personal with patients, helping them out with their medical needs, and being their healthcare hero. They are positions where you have direct hands on patients *clinical* skills, such as a phlebotomist or a medical assistant who takes vital signs, splints, and administers vaccines.
  3. Volunteer Experience: Whether you’re lending a hand at the local animal shelter or serving up meals at a soup kitchen, volunteer experience is all about giving back to your community and showing PA programs that you’re a compassionate soul.
  4. Shadowing Experience: Want to show PA programs that you’ve got a solid understanding of the PA profession? You’ll log those shadowing hours here!
  5. Teaching Experience: Did you spend time as a tutor, mentor, or teaching assistant? Don’t forget to highlight your teaching experience—it shows that you’ve got the skills to educate and inspire others.
  6. Research Experience: Whether you were knee-deep in lab work or crunching numbers for a research project, don’t overlook your research experience. It’s a chance to showcase your analytical skills and thirst for knowledge.
  7. Non-Healthcare Experience: Maybe you’ve dabbled in a different field before finding your passion for healthcare. That’s cool! You can include any non-healthcare jobs in this section if it relates to showcasing a former career or if the position adds something to your application.
  8. Leadership Experience: Whether you were leading a team project at work or serving as president of a club, don’t forget to highlight your leadership experience. PA programs love to see candidates who can take charge and inspire others.

How to Make ‘Em Shine

Now that you’ve got the lowdown on the different types of experience entries, how do you make ’em shine? Here are a few tips:

  • Be specific: Don’t just list your job title—give details about what you actually did each day and your strongest skills in the experience, and what you learned.
  • Quantify when possible: Numbers speak volumes, so if you can quantify your experiences (think number of patients seen or hours volunteered), do it!
  • Show your impact: PA programs want to see that you’re making a difference, so highlight any leadership roles or special projects you’ve tackled.

Final Words of Wisdom

Before we wrap things up, here’s a quick reminder: be honest, be thorough, and be yourself. Your experiences are what make you unique, so don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your CASPA entries.

And don’t forget to get your CASPA app editing BEFORE you press submit to make sure your CASPA paragraphs and personal statement are competitive and catch the attention of the schools you apply to!