Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Pre-PA Student

Posted on August 15, 2023Comments Off on Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a Pre-PA Student

As a pre-PA student, you may feel like you don’t belong or doubt your ability to get accepted to PA school. Even as practicing PAs we’ve had to deal with imposter syndrome! The fear of being “not good enough” can be overwhelming, but you can’t let it stop you! Imposter syndrome is extremely common so let’s explore some practical tips to overcome imposter syndrome!

Embrace Your Journey

Remember everyone’s path is unique. Comparing yourself to others only fuels imposter syndrome. Instead, focus on your growth, progress, and accomplishments. Celebrate every win and acknowledge that each step you take brings you closer to your goal of PA-C.

Seek Support

Connect with fellow pre-PA students, network with practicing PAs and find a mentor you resonate with. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community of like-minded individuals can boost your confidence and remind you you’re not alone in your struggles.

STOP Negative Self-Talk

We believe you’ve been given this dream for a reason, so be mindful of your inner voice! Whenever negative thoughts creep in, rewrite the narrative and focus on things you’ve accomplished. Staying positive is *key* to have the right mindset to succeed so replace self-critical thoughts with positive affirmations. Remember, you wouldn’t be applying to PA school if you weren’t already successful!

Create a roadmap to success

Break down your PA journey into manageable steps and set realistic goals!  By achieving smaller wins, you build your confidence and gradually eliminate feelings of inadequacy. Just keep going!

Imposter syndrome is real and many pre-PA students struggle with it. Embrace your unique journey, surround yourself with support, and challenge negative self-talk. Don’t let imposter syndrome define you. Trust in your abilities, embrace your journey, and let nothing stand in the way of your success!