Navigating the LOR Maze: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Recommendations for PA School

Posted on February 8, 2024Comments Off on Navigating the LOR Maze: Your Guide to Choosing the Right Recommendations for PA School

You’ve heard whispers about the almighty Letters of Recommendation (LORs) for your PA school application. And yep, your LORs MUST be excellent. PA schools absolutely read them and take them into account when considering inviting you for an interview. Don’t sweat it though; we’ve got your back! Let’s talk about how to pick the perfect LOR squad to help you strut your stuff on that CASPA application.

1. Know Your Squad: How Well Do They Know You?

Listen up! A killer LOR isn’t just about a fancy signature and credentials; it’s about someone who knows you well and can attest to certain characteristics about you, such as academics, intelligence, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, etc. Skip the short-term PA shadow pals (those you’ve shadowed less than 20 hours) and opt for someone who’s been in your corner for a hot minute. The more they know you (and can spill the deets), the stronger your recommendation.

2. Relationship Real Talk: Who’s in Your Professional Circle?

Forget about Aunt Sally and your BFF from kindergarten or your coach or non-healthcare supervisor; PA programs want recommendations from the pros. It’s all about that healthcare work, academic, or medical professional vibe. Keep it clean, folks—no family or friend connections allowed. Save those for the holiday card list.

3. The Recommendation Game: Will They Boost You Up?

Here’s the deal: One bad LOR can send your application straight to the rejection pile. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Before you pop the question, make sure your potential recommenders are team “You all the way!” It’s like assembling the Avengers; you need a solid squad who’s got your back. Ask them first: “Can you write me a strong LOR for my PA school application?” If they say yes, totally, then awesome, you are on your way to LOR greatness…but if they don’t seem particularly excited about it, or give an excuse like being too busy or the like, then say thank you and move on! You only want professionals who are super excited for you and your future to write your LORs!

4. Highlight Reel: What Do You Want to Shine?

Picture this: You’re crafting your PA school application masterpiece, and each LOR is a stroke of genius. This is an opportunity for each writer to spotlight a different facet of your brilliance. Whether it’s your academic hustle or your patient care prowess, choose your LOR lineup wisely to cover all your bases.

5. The Final Countdown: Making (or Breaking) Your Application

Okay, here’s the tea: LORs can make or break your PA school dreams. Choose your endorsers wisely! These letters are like your application’s secret sauce—choose individuals who know you well, will sing your praises, and can vouch for your superpowers!

So, there you have it, future PA! When it comes to LORs, choose your team wisely, and watch your application soar! Keep up the awesome work!

And of course, before you submit, *strongly* consider getting your app edited to make sure it stands out and highlights all the amazing things you’ve done the right way! Check out our CASPA App Editing, where we edit your entire app – including personal statement editing – to make sure it’s perfect before you submit. You’ve got this, pre-PA!