Major Mistakes to Avoid During your PA School Interview 

Posted on November 22, 2022Comments Off on Major Mistakes to Avoid During your PA School Interview 

We all know 2020 was a crazy year…COVID… virtual learning…local shutdowns… 

We were all affected in different ways personally, but it also changed PA school admissions too. 

Many physician assistant (PA) schools moved to a virtual interview format…and some haven’t gone back!

If you have a virtual PA school interview you need to be prepared so you can grab that seat. An interview is a chance to wow the PA program admissions committee and create your dream future!

If you’re interviewing this cycle, don’t make these errors!

Many PA school candidates aren’t prepared for their virtual interview and made MAJOR mistakes during their online interviews. Which costs them a seat and acceptance into PA school.

It’s sometimes harder to “connect” with people virtually so you need to set the stage to make sure you give a great first impression. Place your laptop on a steady surface like a desk or table (not your lap!) and make sure you have good lighting (no CIA witness protection lighting!).

Students in dark rooms or those too far away from the camera are hard to connect with because we can’t look them in the eye. Eye contact is important to build rapport with your interviewer.

Also make sure your background is professional. Many candidates interview from their homes and forget the “party fun” or half-naked college pictures on the wall behind them, or the clutter on their dresser. 

Keep your background neat and clean to give an aura of professionalism and organization. 

It’s MORE important to make a good impression in a virtual interview! It’s harder to connect on camera than it is in person. You have to make an even MORE concerted effort to put your best foot forward!

Dress professionally just like you would for an in-person interview, have your roommate take your dog out for a walk (so it won’t make noise and distract you) and (of course) find a quiet room with a great internet. Nothing makes you more stressed and frustrated than technology problems!

Make sure your camera is aimed at your face, have adequate lighting and clear out all of the distractions from your space.

Put your BEST foot forward and set yourself up for success!

If you want to make sure you are SUPER prepared for your PA school interview, definitely sign up for our PA school mock interview service! We will make sure your answers shine and you stand out in all the best ways in your interview so you can get accepted to PA school!