How To Answer This Common PA School Interview Question

Posted on January 17, 2023Comments Off on How To Answer This Common PA School Interview Question

We got a few snow flurries yesterday and it always makes us eager to visit Montana.

Last time we visited Montana, we got into an interesting conversation with a local. He was discussing living in Montana and told us he was a native…but also owned a house down in Colorado that he lived in during most of the winter. 

We think winter in Montana is amazing! The pristine snow, lack of tourists, and moose wandering the streets is magical.  It truly is a Winter Wonderland.

When I asked him why he left during the best time of the year he told me “Well, when it gets below -50 I head south…I’m too old for that kind of weather anymore.”

Negative 50 degrees! We just gaped at him. 

This is astounding! We didn’t know it got that cold. He went on to tell us it often gets to -80 for a day or two during the harshest part of the winter in Northern Montana. Not sure we could survive that…but mad respect for anyone who can.

We’ve been lucky with the weather every time we’ve been there…but obviously, we need to do more research before we go next time. We went in February last time and it was a balmy -2 degrees!

Speaking of research. As a pre-PA, you definitely need to do some. 

Especially before your PA school interviews!

This is one of the biggest mistakes we see pre-PA students make during their PA school interview…

One thing we find a lot of pre-PA students lack is insight into the LEGISLATIVE aspects of being a PA. You will most likely be asked about what’s happening in the physician assistant world in one of your interviews. Asking about legislation and laws during an interview often trips applicants up and they don’t know how to respond. 

The most cringing answer to hear during an interview is: “I don’t know”. 

So be prepared with a response to this example PA school interview question: “What is a piece of PA legislation?”

Show you’ve done your research into the profession. We don’t expect you to know EVERYTHING about the legal aspects of being a PA but you need working knowledge of at least ONE important topic in PA legislation today. 

Read both sides of the argument and be able to talk knowledgeably about the subject. Again, we know you aren’t PAs (yet), but it is imperative you know the basics about PA legislation during your PA school interview. 

Make a great impression on the admissions committee and show your dedication to the profession!

And if you want to make sure you are more than prepared how to answer PA school interview questions, definitely do a Mock Interview! This is likely the most important interview of your life so far, so make sure you are prepared so you can get accepted to PA school.