Didn’t Snag a PA School Interview Last Cycle? Let’s Fix That!

Posted on May 9, 2024Comments Off on Didn’t Snag a PA School Interview Last Cycle? Let’s Fix That!

If last cycle’s CASPA journey felt more like a rollercoaster that only went down, you’re not alone. It’s super frustrating to put your heart into applications and not get those anticipated interview invites. But don’t throw in the towel just yet! We’ve got some top tips to revamp your application and get you in the interview room where you belong. Let’s turn that application from “meh” to “wow”!

1. Picking Your Battles (and Your Schools!) Wisely

First things first, you need to make sure you’re applying to the right schools for you. This isn’t just about shooting for the stars or playing it safe—it’s about being smart and strategic with your choices. Not all schools are created equal, and they definitely don’t all value the same things. Each PA school requires and values something just a bit different. You need to be applying to schools that you are competitive for – the ones that want where you are strong, and don’t require areas you may be weaker in.

Start by taking a hard look at your stats—GPA, GRE scores, patient care hours. Now, find schools that drool over those numbers. Got a lower GPA but tons of hands-on patient care? There are schools that love that. Maybe your GRE could wake someone up in the middle of the night? Great, highlight schools that weigh it heavily. Use resources like each program’s admissions page to get a real feel for what they’re looking for. Fit is everything, so make sure your chosen schools fit you like your favorite pair of scrubs.

2. Crafting a Story Worth Reading: PS and Supplemental Essays

Your personal statement (PS) and supplemental essays aren’t just formalities—they’re your prime time to shine, to make those admissions committees sit up and take notice. If you didn’t get interviews, it might be a sign that your essays weren’t exactly compelling.

When you rewrite, think about the story only you can tell. What makes you burn to be a PA? How have your experiences shaped you into someone that will rock in this field? And don’t just list experiences like you’re reading off a grocery receipt—tell them about the moments that changed you, the challenges you overcame, and why you can’t see yourself doing anything else. Be personal, be specific, and most importantly, be real. They need to feel your passion jumping off the page.

3. Nailing Your CASPA Experience Descriptions

Now, onto the CASPA experience sections. If you treated these like a basic job description last time, you’ve found one of your hiccups. This part of your application is your chance to not just tell but show how you’ve already started walking the walk.

For each experience, list your strongest duties (“Administered medication” or “Took vital signs”). Dive deep. Maybe you managed emergency situations, improved patient care protocols, or trained new staff. Make them see your impact, your initiative, and your dedication. Think about what might impress or interest a seasoned PA reviewing your application—that’s your target.


So, there you have it—a no-nonsense guide to polishing your PA school application. Remember, every part of your application is an opportunity to showcase who you are and why you’d make a superb PA. Take these tips, give your application a makeover, and get ready to knock the socks off those admissions committees next cycle!

If you want to make sure your CASPA application is exceptional and competitive, then definitely sign up for CASPA Application Editing – which includes edits of your entire app, all your CASPA experience paragraphs, your personal statement, and COVID and Life Experiences essays! Get it here.