Decoding the CASPA: What Counts as Extracurriculars?

Posted on March 28, 2024Comments Off on Decoding the CASPA: What Counts as Extracurriculars?

Not sure what to include for extracurriculars in your CASPA application and scratching your head over this section? Well, pull up a chair and let’s chat because you’re definitely not alone in this. The CASPA (Central Application Service for Physician Assistants) can feel like a bit of a beast, but it’s really just a hungry pet waiting for the right kind of food. Today, we’re serving up a dish of clarity on what counts as extracurricular entries for your application.

What’s the Big Deal with Extracurriculars?

First things first, let’s talk about why extracurriculars even matter. In the grand scheme of things, your grades and patient care experience are like the main course, but extracurriculars? They’re the seasoning that makes your application chef’s kiss perfection. They show who you are beyond the books and the bedside, highlighting your passions, talents, and commitment to learning. In short, they’re your chance to shine brighter and add some flavor to your application.

The Usual Suspects

Clubs and Organizations

Did you spend your weeks going to Pre-PA Club meetings or attend events with your university’s Biology Society? Were you a member of your college’s Triathlete Association? If you were an active member of a club, definitely jot that down!

Sports and Athletics

Playing sports isn’t just about physical prowess; it showcases your discipline, ability to work under pressure, and, if you played in a team, your collaborative spirit. If you were a collegiate athlete or a member of an intramural team, that counts and is a great demonstration of soft skills, such as team work, time management and prioritization.

Creative Pursuits

Art, music, —creative outlets suggest you’re well-rounded and possess the innovative thinking needed for problem-solving in clinical settings. Now, these must be organized or a part of a event…not just hobbies. Hobbies don’t count for extracurriculars, however, if you are a painter and your art was displayed for an exhibit, or you were a member of the choir, than that’s awesome and you can include those on your CASPA!

Sorority or Fraternity Involvement

If you were a part of a sorority or fraternity, this goes under extracurricular for your PA school application! Just make sure you focus the details paragraphs on what your role was as a member and how you participated in various events, especially volunteering or raising awareness for your philanthropy.

The Not-So-Obvious Ones

Conferences and Presentations

Participating or presenting at professional conferences or events showcases your desire for growth and lifelong learning. Attending professional conferences, especially medical related ones, such as AAPA or your state’s PA association annual conferences are a great way to showcase you passion for the profession and networking prowess!

How to Present Your Extracurriculars

Alright, you’ve got a list of what counts, but how do you make it count? Here’s the scoop:

  • Be Selective: Quality over quantity, folks. Choose activities that truly showcase your skills, passion, and relevance to the PA profession.
  • Quantify Your Impact: Whenever possible, include numbers. Raised money? How much? Led a team? How many people? Hours volunteered? Give them a solid figure.
  • Reflect: Don’t just list your activities. Reflect on what you learned and the soft skills you enhanced. This is what turns a good application into a great one.

Wrapping It Up

Remember, the CASPA application is your storytelling platform. Through your extracurriculars, you’re painting a picture of who you are beyond academics and patient care. So, take a deep breath, dig deep into your experiences, and let your true colors show. You’ve got this!

Before you know it, you’ll be clicking that submit button with confidence, ready to take the next big step on your journey to becoming a PA. And hey, we can’t wait to see the amazing PA you become.