We’re more than halfway through the CASPA season – time really flies when you’re chasing your dreams, doesn’t it? If you’re feeling the mid-season hustle, don’t worry. Here are some timely tips to keep youRead More
Hey there, future PAs! 🌟 The holiday season is here, and while it’s definitely a time for some well-deserved rest, it can also be a golden opportunity to bolster your PA school application. Here’s howRead More
Calling all future PAs! Did you know your clinical experience is a great way to hone your skills and prepare yourself for the rigors of PA school?! It’s true. PCE hours are a common requirementRead More
Embarking on the transformative journey of PA school requires more than just academic success. It demands a holistic approach that encompasses both personal and professional readiness. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the keyRead More
Hey future PAs, let’s chat about something super important – those sneaky little supplemental essays for PA school applications. Now, you’ve probably heard the basics: don’t make typos, be professional, the usual drill. But let’sRead More
Embarking on the transformative journey of PA school requires more than just academic success. It demands a holistic approach that encompasses both personal and professional readiness. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the keyRead More
You cracked open that email or letter, and instead of the celebratory confetti you imagined, you were met with a ‘thanks, but no thanks’. Ouch. PA school rejections can sting, right? But trust us whenRead More
So, you’ve hit that ‘submit’ button on your CASPA application. 🎉 Congrats! But wait, what’s next? If you’re like many pre-PAs out there, you’re probably hustling to accumulate more patient care hours, volunteer gigs, andRead More
If you’re dreaming of becoming a Physician Assistant (PA), you’ve probably heard about CASPA. But what exactly is CASPA, and how does PA school admissions work? In this blog post, we’ll unravel the mysteries ofRead More
As a pre-Physician Assistant (PA) student, you’re likely familiar with CASPA (Centralized Application Service for Physician Assistants), the essential platform for applying to PA programs. But did you know that CASPA calculates your GPA differentlyRead More