When I was in 3rd grade we had these things called “penpals” (I’m dating myself I know). Here is how it worked… Your class would get paired with another 3rd grade class from somewhere onRead More
If you have been following us for any amount of time, you know we adore trail running! There is nothing like surrounding yourself in nature on some gorgeous single track! In the trail running worldRead More
We are back again with a PA school by state feature! Below are Connecticut PA schools and what makes each one unique! As you know, every PA school requires something just a little bit differentRead More
We got a few snow flurries yesterday and it always makes us eager to visit Montana. Last time we visited Montana, we got into an interesting conversation with a local. He was discussing living inRead More
Your PA school interview is likely the most important interview of your life up to this point, so it goes without saying that you need to make an exceptional impression on your big interview dayRead More
We have been featuring PA schools in each state and what makes each PA program unique and stand out! We hope this has helped you as a pre-PA to look into PA schools you mayRead More
There are so many PA schools in California! We covered half of the programs in a prior post, and today we will be showing you the best of each remaining California PA school. Let’s getRead More
There are so many PA schools in this country, with more being added every week it seems like! Today, we want to share the highlights of each PA program in the state of California –Read More
You know the phrase, “Early bird gets the worm”? Well, this phrase applies to pre-PA students too!!! You see a LOT of PA schools doing rolling admissions…meaning they interview students AS they apply. Meaning theRead More
We’ve all heard the phrase: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.” Though that’s NOT the medical definition it does make one pause… YouRead More