Have you ever started thinking about your New Year’s goals early?? We know it is weeks until Christmas, but we have already been brainstorming what milestones we want to hit this upcoming year! We areRead More
You know the phrase, “Early bird gets the worm”? Well, this phrase applies to pre-PA students too!!! You see a LOT of PA schools doing rolling admissions…meaning they interview students AS they apply. Meaning theRead More
We’ve all heard the phrase: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.” Though that’s NOT the medical definition it does make one pause… YouRead More
We’ve all heard the phrase: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.” Though that’s NOT the medical definition it does make one pause… YouRead More
Hope you’re enjoying the crisp autumn air and *ALL* the pumpkin spice! It’s an absolutely breathtaking time of year, so don’t forget to stop all the hectic hustling you do and give yourself a chanceRead More
How fun would it be to go to PA school in Arizona?! Although you may not have time for a ton of fun when you are in PA school, Arizona has several PA programs youRead More
If you’re applying to physician assistant (PA) school, then get ready to become very familiar with CASPA as you go through the application process! CASPA stands for the Centralized Application Service for Physician Assistants. CASPARead More
Since every physician assistant school has a unique admission process it can be very confusing and cumbersome for pre-PA students to decide when to apply to PA school! The CASPA application cycle starts in lateRead More