Applying to PA school is stressful enough without the added pressure of standardized tests like the GRE. If you’re feeling discouraged by a low GRE score, don’t worry—you’re not alone, and your dreams of becomingRead More
Let’s talk about the GRE. If you’re applying to PA school, you’ve probably seen this test pop up as a requirement for some programs. But before you freak out about yet another exam, let’s breakRead More
Applying to PA school involves considering whether or not you will tackle a handful of standardized tests that might seem daunting at first glance. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back! Remember, some PA schoolsRead More
Roughly half of current PA programs require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), so it’s important for students applying to these schools to craft a GRE success plan. The GRE can be a challenging endeavor, butRead More
For students applying to physician assistant (PA) school, it’s important to optimize your PA school application. Candidates that are strong in most areas are more likely to be granted an interview (and get accepted). OneRead More
In undergraduate, you had to take at least one or two math courses. And if you are on the pre-physician assistant track, you likely have tacked on statistics as part of the prerequisites you areRead More