In today’s world, your social media presence can say a lot about you, and PA schools know it. While it’s not the first thing an admissions committee checks, your social media can help or hurtRead More
Applying to PA school can feel like a high-stakes, high-pressure journey, and it’s easy to focus on what you think are the weak spots in your application. But what if we told you that yourRead More
Applying to PA school is an exciting and nerve-wracking process, but many applicants do not realize how expensive it can be. Between CASPA fees, secondary applications, interview travel, and more, the costs can add upRead More
Applying to PA school is competitive, and admissions committees are looking for well-rounded, prepared candidates who can handle the rigorous demands of the profession. But even strong applicants can have red flags on their application—thingsRead More
Applying to PA school is one of the most exciting (and stressful) things you’ll ever do. But let’s be real no one wants to look back and think, Wow, I really should have done thatRead More
Applying to PA school is an exciting but nerve-wracking process, and one of the most crucial aspects of your application is your GPA. Many pre-PA students think they know their GPA, but when CASPA (CentralizedRead More
Applying to PA school is no small feat, and one of the most crucial elements of a successful application is timing. CASPA (Centralized Application Service for Physician Assistants) opens each year in late April, butRead More
If you’re applying to PA school, you already know how important your CASPA application is. But there’s one section that can truly make or break your chances: your Experience Paragraphs. This is your opportunity toRead More
Getting into PA school is a competitive and challenging process, but understanding what admissions committees are looking for can give you a huge advantage. While every program has its own unique preferences, there are severalRead More
Applying to PA school is stressful enough without the added pressure of standardized tests like the GRE. If you’re feeling discouraged by a low GRE score, don’t worry—you’re not alone, and your dreams of becomingRead More