Are you checking out Alabama PA schools? Awesome! Once you find PA schools you meet the pre-requisites for and are a good match for you and your strengths as a PA school applicant, then it’s time to further narrow down your list of PA schools.
You do this by looking at the individual PA programs. What is their mission statement? What makes them tick? What makes them unique from the hundreds of other PA schools out there? What’s their accreditation status? Do they have a particular component of their curriculum that stands out from other PA schools, like a clinical rotation or robust SIM or cadaver lab?
If any of the Alabama PA schools have made it on your initial list of PA programs you are thinking of applying to, here are a few things we admire about these PA schools. You might value them to and it may help you determine if you will indeed apply to these PA schools!
Faulkner University, Montgomery, AL:
- Faith based Christian program
- Lower minimum requirement for Patient Care Experience (PCE) – 100 hours
- Value military service and preference give for more than 100 hours of volunteering
- Opportunity for 3 elective clinical rotations
Samford University, Birmingham, AL:
- Christian based program
- Small class size where “faculty know you by name”
- Direct Patient Care Experience is encouraged, but not required
- Innovative simulation lab
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL
- Cadaver dissection to supplement anatomy course
- Surgery focused
- Opportunity for addiction medicine rotation
University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
- Accept some online course pre-requisites
- Value volunteering, cultural sensitivity, and serving the underserved
- Preference given to Alabama residents