We LOVE to read! But growing up English wasn’t necessarily our favorite subjects. Why?
Because they TOLD you what to read and MADE you read it!
Maybe it’s perverse but there was not ONE SINGLE book I was required to read in high school English class that was enjoyable…
All the books we chose to read ourselves we couldn’t put down, but we could barely get through a short play in English class without dying of boredom.
See, it’s ALWAYS harder when it’s not your choice…your enthusiasm is lower, your not as motivated, you don’t put as much effort into it, and sometimes you wonder “What is the point”?
We would muddle through post-read writing assignments, doing it jussssst well enough so we wouldn’t have to re-do the papers, but they definitely weren’t the best work.
Have you been in that position before?
…you just got it done and checked that box…but it wasn’t exactly your best effort.
We are here to tell you…that system WON’T work when it comes to your PA school personal statement!
Your personal statement MUST be your BEST work! It is NOT a check in the box and we DO READ THEM!
Your personal statement is the first chance you get to personalize your PA school application! Where you can show your personality and your passion for wanting to become a physician assistant.
Up until that point, it’s all CASPA stats and demographics, majors, GPA, test scores etc…
But with your PA school personal statement, you get to infuse some of your personality, highlight your strengths, connect with the reader, and make your case on why you want to be a PA!
Do NOT blow this off! It’s hard to change your GPA and re-taking the GRE can take weeks or months of studying ….but your personal statement can easily be edited right from your computer!
Make sure yours is edited and free from grammatical errors. Make sure you spell the profession right. Make sure your content ACTUALLY answers the question why you specifically want to be a physician assistant. Make sure to slip in a few interesting things about yourself and turn in your BEST work.
We recommend you have at least ONE other person edit your work before you hit submit…it is THAT important!
THIS is your chance to make a case for why they should invite you for an interview and let your passion for the profession shine through.
Make it your BEST work.
If you need help with editing and reviewing your personal statement, we offer that service HERE so you can spend more time getting those PCE hours or studying. Let us help you and make sure your PA school personal statement is YOUR BEST WORK!