Congratulations! You’ve received an invitation to interview for a Physician Assistant (PA) school, a huge step toward your dream of becoming a PA. As you prepare for your PA school interview, it’s essential to beRead More
Congratulations on receiving an invitation for a Physician Assistant (PA) school interview! This is a significant milestone in your journey towards becoming a healthcare professional. Interviews are an essential part of the admissions process, givingRead More
PA school interviews are nerve-wracking experiences, as you strive to present your best self to the admissions committee. While you may have prepared extensively, interviewers may still throw unexpected or challenging questions your way. InRead More
You’ve just crushed your PA school interview, you thought you did amazing, you thought it went well…But instead of the coveted acceptance letter, you get a “waitlist” email. We know that can be so discouraging,Read More
Hey there, future PA! So, you’ve aced your prerequisites, gathered your recommendation letters, and submitted your applications to PA schools. Now, you’ve scored an interview, and the pressure is on. Don’t sweat it! One areaRead More
Congratulations! You’ve received a PA school interview- that’s a huge win! This is your chance to grab that seat and become a PA. Interviews are an excellent opportunity to showcase your passion for the professionRead More
As a pre-PA student, you may feel like you don’t belong or doubt your ability to get accepted to PA school. Even as practicing PAs we’ve had to deal with imposter syndrome! The fear ofRead More
Hey, future PA school applicant! Are you getting ready for those nerve-wracking PA school interviews? We know the pressure is on, but fear not! We’re here to help you tackle one of those challenging questions:Read More
Are you ready to take your PA school application game from average to outstanding? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’re going to spill the beans on four game-changing tipsRead More
So, you landed that PA school interview, but unfortunately, you didn’t receive an acceptance letter. We know this can be so disheartening, but don’t lose hope! In this blog post, we want to lift yourRead More