We have been featuring PA schools in each state and what makes each PA program unique and stand out! We hope this has helped you as a pre-PA to look into PA schools you mayRead More
Applying to PA school can be confusing. Since every school has different admission requirements, it can be tough to tell if you’re a competitive applicant. Each application can cost $55 and up, so you wantRead More
Students often wonder if they should retake any of the prerequisite classes before applying to Physician Assistant (PA) school. The answer to this is complicated because it depends on the schools you’re applying to, yourRead More
There are so many PA schools in California! We covered half of the programs in a prior post, and today we will be showing you the best of each remaining California PA school. Let’s getRead More
There are so many PA schools in this country, with more being added every week it seems like! Today, we want to share the highlights of each PA program in the state of California –Read More
Have you ever started thinking about your New Year’s goals early?? We know it is weeks until Christmas, but we have already been brainstorming what milestones we want to hit this upcoming year! We areRead More
You know the phrase, “Early bird gets the worm”? Well, this phrase applies to pre-PA students too!!! You see a LOT of PA schools doing rolling admissions…meaning they interview students AS they apply. Meaning theRead More
We’ve all heard the phrase: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting a different result.” Though that’s NOT the medical definition it does make one pause… YouRead More
One of the hardest parts of applying to PA school is after you press submit on CASPA. Yes, getting all your PA school pre-requisites is tough, putting together your CASPA application is time consuming, andRead More
Are you checking out Alabama PA schools? Awesome! Once you find PA schools you meet the pre-requisites for and are a good match for you and your strengths as a PA school applicant, then it’sRead More