Shadowing a PA: What to Expect and How to Make the Most of It!

Posted on June 7, 2024Comments Off on Shadowing a PA: What to Expect and How to Make the Most of It!

Gearing up to shadow a PA, huh? That’s awesome! Shadowing is a fantastic way to get a sneak peek into the world of physician assistants and figure out if this path is the right fit for you. Plus, it’s a goldmine for your CASPA application. But if the thought of tagging along with a PA all day sounds a bit intimidating, don’t sweat it. Let’s break down what to expect and how to make the most out of this experience.

What Is Shadowing Anyway?

First things first, let’s clear up what shadowing actually is. Essentially, shadowing means following a PA around as they go about their day, observing their interactions with patients, and getting a feel for what their job entails. You’re like a human sponge, soaking up all the knowledge and experience you can. It’s not about doing any hands-on work but about watching and learning.

How to Find a PA to Shadow

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of shadowing, let’s talk about how to find a PA to shadow in the first place. Here are a few ways:

  1. Network: Ask your professors, advisors, or anyone in the healthcare field if they know a PA you can shadow.
  2. Contact Clinics and Hospitals: Call or email local clinics, hospitals, or healthcare facilities. Be polite, professional, and explain why you’re interested in shadowing.
  3. Professional Associations: Check out organizations like the American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA). They sometimes have resources to help you find shadowing opportunities.
  4. Online Platforms: Websites like LinkedIn can be a goldmine for connecting with healthcare professionals open to shadowing students.

Prepping for Your First Day

You’ve lined up a shadowing gig—sweet! Here’s how to get ready:

  1. Dress the Part: Think business casual. No scrubs unless they specifically tell you to wear them. Closed-toe shoes are a must. You want to look professional but comfortable since you’ll be on your feet a lot.
  2. Bring a Notebook: Jot down observations, interesting cases, or any questions that pop into your head. It’ll help you remember details for your CASPA application and personal statement.
  3. Be Punctual: Arrive on time—which means arrive early! It shows you’re serious and respectful of the PA’s time.
  4. Understand HIPAA: Patient privacy is paramount. Know the basics of HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and always respect patient confidentiality.

What to Expect During the Day

So, what’s a typical day of shadowing like? Here’s a rundown:

  1. Morning Huddle: You might start the day with a team meeting where the PA and other healthcare providers discuss the day’s schedule, patients, and any special considerations.
  2. Patient Interactions: Follow the PA as they see patients. You’ll observe how they take medical histories, perform exams, and discuss treatment plans. Pay attention to how they communicate—it’s an art form!
  3. Procedures: Depending on the PA’s specialty, you might see minor procedures. This could be anything from suturing to assisting in a small surgery.
  4. Charting and Documentation: You’ll notice that PAs spend a good chunk of time on documentation. It’s not the most exciting part, but it’s crucial for patient care.
  5. Breaks: Healthcare can be hectic, so make the most of any downtime to ask questions. Just make sure the PA isn’t swamped before you start firing away.

Making the Most of Your Experience

Here’s how to turn a good shadowing experience into a great one:

  1. Ask Questions: Don’t be shy! Ask about anything you don’t understand or find interesting. PAs love to share their knowledge. But, make sure you ask questions at the right time – not in the room with the patient unless the PA prompts you and not when the PA is busy charting or documenting.
  2. Reflect: After each day of shadowing, take some time to reflect. What did you learn? What surprised you? How did this experience reinforce (or change) your desire to become a PA?
  3. Build Relationships: Stay in touch with the PA you shadowed. Send them a thank you card or email. They can be a valuable mentor and may even write you a letter of recommendation.
  4. Be Curious and Enthusiastic: Show genuine interest in everything you observe. Enthusiasm is contagious and will leave a positive impression on the PA and the healthcare team.

Shadowing a PA is an invaluable step on your journey to PA school. It gives you firsthand insight into the profession, helps you build connections, and strengthens your application. So go out there, soak it all in, and remember to enjoy the experience. You’re one step closer to your dream of becoming a PA!

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