How to Make Your Extracurriculars Shine on Your CASPA Application

Posted on May 21, 2024Comments Off on How to Make Your Extracurriculars Shine on Your CASPA Application

Among the transcripts and letters of recommendation, your extracurriculars play a vital role in showing PA schools just who they’re welcoming aboard. Let’s dive into what counts as extracurricular activities and how you can showcase them in the best light.

What Counts as Extracurriculars?

1. Greek Life: Yep, your time in a sorority or fraternity can definitely make its way onto your CASPA application. It’s not just about social events; highlight any leadership roles you held, community service projects you spearheaded, or health-related initiatives you were involved in.

2. Organized Clubs: Whether you were part of the Pre-PA Club, Biology Club, or any other organization, this is golden. Schools love seeing your involvement in clubs, especially those that enhance your knowledge and skills relevant to the PA profession.

3. Collegiate Athletes: Being a student-athlete is no small feat. It teaches discipline, teamwork, and time management—all skills that are crucial in a healthcare setting. So, if you balanced game schedules with your studies, make sure to list this experience.

Writing a Strong CASPA Experience Paragraph

When it comes to describing these experiences on your CASPA application, the key is to focus on outcomes and skills. Each entry should clearly communicate what you did, the skills you used, the impact you had, and how it prepares you for a career as a PA. Here’s a quick guide:

-Start Strong: Use clear, active verb to describe your role (e.g., “Organized,” “Led,” “Developed”).

– Be Specific: Quantify your achievements if possible (e.g., “Raised $10,000 for charity,” “Increased club membership by 25%”).

– Highlight Skills: Connect the dots between your extracurricular activities and the skills relevant to being a PA, like leadership, communication, and teamwork.

– Reflect on Growth: Briefly reflect on what you learned.

Remember, every section of your CASPA application is an opportunity to reveal another layer of your story. Your extracurricular activities are particularly special because they can show your personal qualities and character. Make them count!

Good luck, and here’s to a CASPA application that opens doors to your dream PA program! If you want to make sure your app if perfect and stands out to catch the attention of PA schools, sign up for CASPA Application Editing, which includes editing of your entire app, personal statement editing, COVID essay and Life Experiences essay editing!

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